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Welcome back to our Church Services in the spring of 2021


Here is the latest guidance on what to expect at our church services at this time.


People arrive, self-distancing as they approach the building.


Please enter via the Double doors on the left hand side and sanitise your hands before entering the Sanctuary.


Everyone over 11 years old attending the service should wear a face mask unless they are exempt from wearing them. If your mask becomes uncomfortable you may remove it while seated but please replace it before you move about the building.


Pick up a Sunday Message from the porch as you enter and then TURN LEFT into the south aisle as there is a one way system in place.


At the start of the aisle you will find an offertory plate which should be used as you enter. It will be dedicated during the service.


Please do not hug, kiss or shake hands.


Bibles and Hymnals are available in the seat pockets. If they are used please put them back in the same seat pocket when you have finished using them. By the following Sunday, any virus will have died off.


An elder will help you to find a seat. Every second row will be out of use and there should be two empty seats between each household in the same row.


There can be no close chatting between the members of the congregation and the preacher before or after the service – please keep apart. The worship leader will conduct the service from the communion table or the pulpit, to self-distance. Those preaching or leading worship will not wear masks while speaking, to make them easier to understand.


There will be no singing, as the church must comply with current government guidelines on performances and, at the time of writing no singing is allowed. Normally we will use pre-recorded singing with the words on the screen for you to follow along.


Any responses should be spoken quietly.


The service will be fairly brief.


There will be no communion served when the church is first opened. Communion is scheduled to return on 16th May.


The toilets are available for use and all touch points, i.e. door handles and light switches, toilet seats, taps etc will be cleaned before and after each service. Please use the handwashing facilities and paper towels provided, placing used towels in the bin provided.


At the end of the service no coffee or tea will be served. The congregation should leave to the right, using the north aisle and the left hand set of exit doors while self-distancing. People may chat outside the church, at a safe distance of course.

A list of those attending services will be kept for 31 days.  If you test positive for Covid after attending church please contact Maureen, Jim or David by phone or via email

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